Monday 18 February 2013

Welcome to any readers, feel free to comment

Welcome to the random ramblings of a history student

About a year ago a friend of mine made an off the cuff suggestion about starting a history blog. At the time and even now I am instinctively dismissive of the idea. After all, there are some amazing, high quality blogs out there which receive a level of dedication and attention I could never hope to achieve. Currently, undertaking a full-time masters degree at Keele is swallowing up most of my time. However, the more I thought about it the more sense it made. I am not just a history student but I am OBSESSED with all aspects of history.

My degree, and now my Masters degree are on history, and I spent an extra year at undergraduate level upgrading my degree to a degree with history. It doesn’t stop there however, I watch historical documentaries, visit historical buildings and locations as often as I can, I read historical fiction, collect old books, have a passion for historical clothing and fashion, and even got married in a stunning Tudor building. My obsession of history invades every part of my life- in fact most of my dreams take place in historical settings, and I realised maybe I needed an outlet! That is why I have started this blog.

I have no aims to academic pretensions and don’t expect to be writing much about history itself, rather the practice of history and historiographical debates. Questions like, what is a historian, why does history matter and other questions that mull around my head may be tackled. I also aim to use is as a tool to navigate my journey through my masters (and hopefully beyond).

                                           NOTE: My poor health adversely affects my studies and so is
                                                            likely to affect the frequency and at times the content of this
                                                              blog but I certainly don’t aim to make it a predominant feature.
                                                            However, I hope if anyone does read my blog they will allow me the indulgence if it does come up in conversation!

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